Tennessee Congressman Jim Cooper Wants Democrats to Seek Out More Rural Voters


Tennessee Congressman Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) told CBS News this week that it’s in Democrats’ best interests to befriend rural voters.

“There are other things we could do for rural voters, but primarily it is a values question. Senator [Daniel Patrick] Moynahan said ‘The central conservative truth is that culture trumps politics. The central liberal truth is that politics eventually can change culture,’” Cooper told the network.

“We need to remember that.”

Cooper went on to suggest Democrats can attract more rural voters by getting “rural broadband out to everybody.”

“Rural voters want leadership and someone who understands their problems., I was raised in a small town of about 20,000 people, in Shelbyville. They gave me roots. They gave me values, and that is what rural people appreciate the most. Above all, they do not want to be talked down to, especially by someone who went to Harvard. I understood that from the beginning,” Cooper said.

“Right now, I largely represent Nashville, and that is a city that is larger than seven states, larger than Wyoming, for example, or Vermont or Montana or South or North Dakota. Each of those states have two U.S. senators. That gives them a huge advantage in the U.S. Senate. In general Democrats need to reach out to rural areas. There are no farmers’ markets without farmers. We have to remember that.”

Cooper recently decided to retire from Congress because of the redistricting plans which passed the General Assembly.

This comes in the wake of the Tennessee General Assembly’s passage of the new redistricting maps, which split Nashville amongst three congressional districts. Under the old maps, the city of Nashville comprises the bulk of the 5th Congressional District.

Cooper once represented Tennessee’s 4th Congressional District from 1983-1995. He has represented the 5th Congressional District since 2003.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star and The Georgia Star News. Follow Chris on Facebook, Twitter, Parler, and GETTR. Email tips to [email protected].



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4 Thoughts to “Tennessee Congressman Jim Cooper Wants Democrats to Seek Out More Rural Voters”

  1. Randall Davidson

    Just leave Jim Cooper.

  2. JB

    Yeah Jimbo, you go tell rural voters that you and your party are in full support of 11 year old girls being forced to share a restroom with a 40 year male prev wearing a skirt. It’s all in the messaging. That’s democrats main problem – go with that Jim

  3. Tim Price

    Cooper is totally blind to the fact that rural voters are generally Conservatives who believe in God, who believe that abortion is murder, who believe the Bible, who detest big government, who detest supporting people who will not work and who believe in lawful gun ownership.

    Cooper, and his insane liberal gang, think that they can win rural voters over when Democrats stand for everything that rural voters oppose?

    I think Cooper, and his insane liberal gang, think rural voters are stupid!

    I know that rural voters will show Democrats how wrong they are!

  4. David Longfellow

    Cooper says, “The central conservative truth is that culture trumps politics. The central liberal truth is that politics eventually can change culture…”
    What Cooper didn’t say is that liberals want to change it for the worse, to eliminate rewarding hard work and perseverance and to instill hatred for anyone who doesn’t think the way they do.
